Cambodia’s largest independent arts center invites locals and foreigners
to join our hub for creativity, community vitality, and lifelong learning.
The European Cultural Center Meta House Phnom Penh is the country’s oldest independent art center, showcasing a unique blend of art, education, social engagement and hospitality since 2007. The center comprises an indoor gallery/event space, an open-air-stage, a multi-media-library, two restaurants and a German language school, operated by our partner “Goethe-Institute”. Through exhibitions, film screenings, workshops, community-based projects, artist exchange programs and by fostering links with universities, galleries, and other non-governmental organizations we actively support local artists and promote the development of Cambodia’s young contemporary art movement. Community members are invited to participate at all levels. Please contact us for details.


The Goethe Institute (GI) is Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide. It promotes the study of German language abroad and encourages international cultural exchange. The challenge that faces the majority of Cambodia’s contemporary artists is the isolated space in which they work. For the local creative industries to progress, artists need to be exposed to different theories and techniques, and need to broaden their thinking through experimentation. At Meta House, various educational activities provide the broader public with tools that raise an awareness of art, heritage and intercultural dialogue. Educators from all fields are invited to share their knowledge and experiences.

We live in times of great social, humanitarian, political, and environmental challenges. Artists have an important role to play in bringing these challenges to the attention of the public. Meta House is a cultural lab for social change; a creative home to generate culture that moves people. Besides organizing events at our facility, we continue to implement art-related activities in community centers, schools and universities. In direct cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) and other NGOs, we were able to introduce educational theatre into learning facilities nation-wide. So far, more than 500.000 students have been participating in our outreach projects.



Honecker, Hallstein and Pol Pot
The Berlin Wall may have fallen in 1989, but nostalgia for communist East -Germany lives on in the hearts of approximately 4000 Cambodians who took refuge in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) during the civil war of the 1980s.

Foreign Familiar
Although the Vietnamese ended the genocidal Pol Pot regime in 1979, they did not bring complete peace and security for Cambodia. Cambodia was isolated from Western countries until the “Paris Peace Agreement” in 1991, which brought diplomatic and economic relations with the USA, European Union and the rest of the world